When it comes to food, I’d do anything for a good breakfast and I mean anything. Stopped by Cactus restaurant for a work date, decided to work outside of my house I mean, some of us are tired of remote work in our room, we want to work from Santorini or Bali, I mean, not the office o, just the Abroad. I’ll get right into the review and stop complaining about my life 😩.

The food: I’ll start with this yummy looking burger and fries, fam the fries went to Harvard. It’s legit the best fries I’ve had, I kept arguing with my partner in crime that it’s fresh cut potatoes seasoned and fried, not the one we buy at shop rite, it must have been grown in one fine garden like that. It just didn’t taste regular and I loved it, crunchy…The Burger was creamy and light, a ham and bacon burger with poached eggs, but it wasn’t bad at all, way above average. It was very fresh! We also had the lagos passion breakfast, I really like it when restaurants localise some dishes on their menu, it’s not everyday I want to eat continental dishes, the lagos passion was an African breakfast, consisted of plantain (my weakness), bread and onions omelette, served with sausages, stew and beans porridge. The plantain made it guys, it was just right. I have no complains whatsoever on the plantain, ah the chef would make heaven! The sausages and omelette tasted fine too, the only score I have to settle would be the the beans porridge, it was average and I felt they could’ve spiced it up more but who knows they might have been playing it safe on the pepper side, not every Nigerian likes 🌶 like me 😂.
The Space: I STAN the aesthetics and ambience at Cactus Lagos, Cactus has a way of being whatever you want it to be, be it the romantic dinner date, the breakfast getaway, the brunch date or the family outing, it just works. The nicest thing about it’s premium feel is that it doesn’t make noise.
The Drink: Well I had FREE complimentary juice during my visit, it tasted nice but wasn’t freshly squeezed (Bella, Na free juice o, not paid 😁). I think I need to do a second visit to review the drinks menu, for now my opinion is basic in this area.
Overall I had a great time! Cactus Restaurant is a place to visit! If I were to rate the restaurant (if ooo), it’ll be a solid 8.9/10 in it’s entirety.
By the way guys, their gelato ahhhhh, it’s my latest love!
Lagos Passion: N5,500
Breakfast 🍔: N5,500
Gtb 💳: N13,950 (including water and tax)