Restaurant review- Eric Kayser, Ikoyi.

Merry Christmas Guys! I hope you are having a swell day and eating a lot šŸ˜‰.

Paid a visit to Maison Kayser earlier this week, decided to head straight to their Ikoyi branch, considering Iā€™ve been to the VI outlet thrice and itā€™s always filled up, parking alone is like fighting the world war, it seems Lagosians really like this restaurant. Time for the review šŸ˜‰

The food: During my visit, we had the Mexican burger and Maison Kayser Lasagna. The burger šŸ” was my least favourite, it just wasnā€™t exciting. I had high hopes on this because the name was quite intriguing. The beef was nice, however the avocado mix was an odd inclusion for me, but hey maybe thatā€™s the way the Mexicans like it. For me, it seemed like a meat lover trying to go vegan, didnā€™t work (6/10).
The lasagna on the other hand was decent, as you already know Iā€™m a pasta lover and so Iā€™ll be a bit more detailed on this, the taste didnā€™t blow my mind although the minced meat filling was generous, the seasoning couldā€™ve been better. There could have been much more cheese, my cheese pull was weak, overall the taste didnā€™t blow my mind, it was just there. Legit the first lasagna I couldnā€™t finish, sadly (6.5/10).

The Deserts:Ā We had three chocolate desert and ice creamĀ šŸØĀ (canā€™t remember the exact flavourĀ šŸ˜’) but it was lovely and smooth, the chocolate was a mix of 3, just right. The ice cream was so creamy and premium, in comparison with regular ice creams, it would be like Lekki against Ajejunle,Ā šŸ˜†.

The Drinks: We had Virgin mojito and Chai latte, the mojito was nice, I could taste the depth of the infusion of the mint leaves and lime. I mean you can never go wrong with mojito, pretty good! The Chai Latte was different, it tasted distinct for a tea and medicinal too, reminded me of the hospital, but it was smooth! If you are looking to try a different kind of tea, I bring you the chai latte šŸ˜‰.



The Space: Although the VI branch is more aesthetically pleasing, I find the ambience at the Ikoyi outlet to be elegant and simpler which makes it work perfect for me. Thereā€™s so much space, you can decide to eat indoors or outdoors, depending on your taste.

The Service: The waiter was very nice although his hands were quite full so he seemed distracted, he was also helpful and had good knowledge of the menu. The manager was polite and checked in on us but he was strangely stiff šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø.

A good budget for two ranges from N20K to N35K. There’s also a N200 Valet charge for parking.

Overall I had a good time, I have to give them accolades when it comes to desserts! Have you been here? What was your experience like?




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